aloe vera ingrediënten

aloe vera ingrediënten en actieve ingrediënten

biologische teelt van aloe vera

aloe vera ingrediënten en actieve ingrediënten: It was known to people in Egypt and also Greece for example Aristoteles explains special charactristics of Aloe vera gelatin that is extracted from this plant is continuously used to treat burns, cuts and inflamed scars since many years. It is useful for skin damaged from X ray asreported in many researches in journals related X rays.

On the other hand concentration of glucose in gelatin, results in high osmotic presure, that protect skin from live bacteria. Aloe
vera include ”Antrokinon” cemicals that are known as anti vir*s, anti b*cter*a and anti c*nc*r.Aloe vera (Aloe vera )has 400 species but just 2 species; A.barbadensis are used for trade in the world.

This plant need very less water for living and also can survive on saline soils, beaches and is resistance to diseases and insects. It can live in very hot regions, but cannot tolerate cold. Aloe vera grows in, Mexico, India, South and centeral America, Africa, Australia, Carribians and Iran. This paper reviews history, its chemicals, medical usage, plant morphology, extracts and
agronomy of Aloe vera.

The plant of Aloe vera and its usage as drug dates back to 6000 years B.C.

The plates blonging to Sumer period during 2200 years
BC, show use of this plant as a drug. In that plates, it is written about origin of this plant as Africa, that has 240 species and is ever
green. Cleopatra said that her beauty is due to use of Aloe vera plant. One prescription that belong to 1550 BC shows Aloe vera
plant used for different matters [1].

It was known to people in Egypt and also Greece for example Aristoteles explains special charactristics of Aloe vera. Gelatin that is extracted from this plant is continuously used to treat burns, cuts and inflamed scars since many years. It is
also used in cosmetics sector, medical sector and beverage sectors. It is useful for skin damaged from X-ray as reported in many
researches in journals related X rays. Because of highconcentration of water and oil in this plant, it helps to protect skin
from drieness and so the skin that is burnt or cut heals very quickly

Ancient Egyptian papyrus and Mesopotamian clay tablets describe aloe. Cleopatra was said to include aloe cream in her
beauty regimen [2]. Aloe was used by Hippocrates and Arab physicians, and was carried to the Western Hemisphere by Spanish explorers. Legend has it that Alexander the Great captured the island of Socotra in the Indian Ocean to secure its aloe supplies to
treat his soldiers[3].Aloe is also popular in both traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine (India).

AloeVera: Potentially Active Chemical Constituents

From the gel:

1. Polysaccharides: glucomannan and acemannan
2. Other: carboxypeptidase, magnesium, zinc, calcium, glucose,
cholesterol, salicylic acid,prostaglandin precursors (gammalinolenic
acid [GLA]), vitamins A, C, E, lignins, saponins, plant
sterols and amino acids [3].
From the latex leaf lining:
3. Anthraquinone glycosides: aloin, aloe-emodin, barbaloin

Class Compounds Properties

Inoraganic compounds
Miscellaneous including
organic comounds and lipids
Aloe-emodin, aloetic-acid,
anthranol, barbaloin,
isobarbaloin , emodin,
ester of cinnamic acid.
-7-O-methlyaloediol A,
8-C-glucosyl-7-O-methylaloediol A,
isoaloeresin D, isorabaichromone,
neoalosin A
Alkaline phosphatese,
carboxypeptidase, catalase,cyclooxidase,
cyclooxygenase,lipase, oxidase,
phosphoenolpyruvate, carboxylase,
superoxide dismutase
Arachidonic acid,
Y-linolenic acid, steroids(campestrol,
cholesterol, Bsitosterol),
triglycerides, triterpenoid, gibberillin,
lignins,potassium sorbate,salicylic acid,
uric acid
Lectins, lectin-like substance
Mannose, glucose, L-rhamnose, aldopentose
Vitamin A, B12,C, E,choline and folic acid
Auxins and gibberellins
salicylic acid, Lignin, Saponins,
Vitamin A, C and E.
Pure mannan, acetylated mannan,
acetylated glucomannan,
glucogalactomannan, galactan,
pectic substance, xylan, cellulose
Aloin and emodin,
alprogen. Anti-aging effects [4]

1 Shelton RM. Aloe vera: its chemical and therapeutic properties. Int J
Dermatol .1991; 30:679-83

2 Haller J. A drug for all seasons: medical and pharmacological history of aloe.
Bull NY Acad Sci .1990; 66.

3 Atherton P. Aloe vera: magic or medicine? Nurs Stand .1998; 12:49-52, 54

4 Bensky D, Gamble A, Kaptchuk TJ. Chinese herbal medicine : materia
medica. Seattle, Wash.: Eastland Press, 1993:xxv, 556.


aloe vera ingrediënten en actieve ingrediënten

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